About Me

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Farmington, UT, United States
I'm a mama of 2 sweet girls, Dylan and Devyn. I'm a Yoga Instructor and Home Business Owner. Dylan started Kindergarten this year and is in the Spanish Immersion program (her teacher only speaks Spanish for half the day!) Devyn is busy growing up and trying to be like Dylan! Mike is a Finace Director and Carsalesman. www.StayinHomeAndLovinIt.com/4myfam www.SaferisBetter.com/4myfam

Monday, January 14, 2008

This one's for u Wade!

Pics of Hardware Ranch
Here's the one with the broken skull!

These are the Horses and Sleigh that take you out there!
Dylan and Tyren

Well the other night Wade told me my blog sucked :-( Since I'm still learning exactly what I'm supposed to do...I'm not sure what I can do to make it better. He said I just need to update it more often. So...here ya go Wade, a new update for you!

Yesterday we went to Hardware Ranch with Mike's fam (except Wade cuz he's too good for us!) It was pretty interesting. Other than the fact that it took at least an hour to get there. Once we got there, the whole thing only took like 30 min TOPS! So it kinda seemed a waste that way.

Well, anyway, Hardware Ranch is this place up a canyon in Logan that feeds Elk every winter. These Elk are wild, they just come for the food! You can buy a ticket and go on a sleigh ride through the middle of all of them and they tell ya cool things about them.

One thing I learned is that they have an ivory tooth...weird. No one knows why either...odd! There were about 500 there, this one had it's skull busted and it's antlers were sticking up opposite directions, one straight up and the othere straight down.

After that we drove back to Ogden for some Dinner at Jedediah's or was it Jebediah's? I don't remembmer, but the food was pretty good!

Oh...and I really sucked it up on my whole "eathing healthy" this weekend! Having dinner with the fam and then going to Del Taco after Green Street the other night...not too happy with it! Oh well...back on today and I need to go shopping.

Speaking of Green Street, it was fun! We went with a whole bunch of people from my work to celebrate Alisa getting out of jail (she was in for driving on a suspended license and not paying some fines :-( ) Carson brought his own flask, Mike and Wade were challenged to a Punching Game and Mike won, and I kept getting hit on by these 3 Mexicans, even after telling them no and pointing to Mike and saying "he's my husband"!

I guess some radndom guys came up and asked if they wanted to go play the punching game and Mike and Wade thought that they wanted to fight but said "ok" anyway then they realized that it was an actual game where you go and punch a bag and it gives you points for how hard you hit it!

Afterwards we went to Wades house and played Guitar Hero...which is WAY fun by the way! I didn't do too bad (for my first time ever) and Mike thought I sucked so he picked it up and got boo'd off the stage! Krystal wouldn't even try it!

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